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Dan DeSilva
72 articles

1/200 Hasegawa C-130 Blue Angels

March 26, 2021 · in Aviation · · 10 · 2.6K

So, many many years after I built a for my wife's yearly Christmas ornament, I finally got around to using the alternate decals in that kit to make a white C-130 the Blues flew! One odd thing about that airframe is that the two windows just under the main windscreen were not present, or painted over- I can't tell from the photos of the actual aircraft.

The variety of markings that The Blue Angels' C-130 has carried over the years is incredible. I would love to do 1/144 kits of all the schemes the C-130 has carried. Unfortunately, someone needs to make all the decals in 1/144 for them first!

The 1/200 kit comes with a stand. I made the first kit in the standard Blue scheme, wheels down for the tree, and got a second 1/200 kit to finish as the white C-130 wheels up. Sadly the decals had yellowed a bit while they waited, but I am really glad to finally have built the kit.

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10 responses

  1. Bit different. Why Marines, wasn´t Blue Angels a Navy group?

    • Hi Stellan,

      In 1954, The Blue Angels took on their first Marine pilot, and since then there has been one slot open to a USMC pilot on the team. Starting in 1970, the transport/logistical aircraft for the team was provided by the USMC. The inclusion of both services in the Blue Angels team is to promote US NAVAIR as a joint responsibility of the USN and USMC.

      I love the Blue Angels, and usually travel to Pensacola to see them practice during my October School break time. Pandemic stopped that last year, probably this year too. can't wait to see the new F-18E/F's and new C-130J in person!


  2. Nice job on this C-130, Dan!

  3. Nicely done! I think for a time it was nick named Fat Albert. The first time that I saw the Blues was way back when I was stationed at NAS Oceana Va. they were flying the A-4 Skyhawk then.

    • Thanks very much! I first Saw the Blues in the 80's in Bermuda- they flew a show at NAS Bermuda- who shared the national airport tarmac. We got an airport courtesy of the US Air Force which named it Kindley Field which is what they named it after the built it and operated it until the USN took it over. I need to look into when they started calling it fat albert. I would think early 80's.

  4. Nice and clean build, Dan.
    Would love to see your collection of C130's once available.

  5. Nice work, Dan, and interesting info about the Blue Angels, definitely liked.

  6. That's a great livery for the C-130! I've never had a chance to see the Angels perform, though I did get to see the T-birds back when they flew Phantoms.

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