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Brian Scott
80 articles

1/48 AFV U-2A

March 19, 2021 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.9K

My secoond lockheed build fopr the year the AFV U-2A . Really nice build. My only complaint is the rsaied are on the canopy and the instrument panel. Overall model painted with NATO Black . I went for early CIA scheme that had just the number on the tail. I do have the Howdaw to paint still for it. I did a little chipping of paint with prisma color pencils and a light black pin wash on the gear an d gear bays. Enjoy 🙂


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10  Awesome

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9 responses

  1. Very nice build, Brian.
    The NATO black looks great and is nicely uniform applied.
    The wingspan of this bird must be pretty big in 1/48.

  2. Great U-2, Brian!
    I really love the all black early camo!

  3. The header photograph looks great, but I can't access the rest because you keep posting them via Flickr, but it sure is a cool plane.

  4. Nicely done Brian!

  5. Hey! Don't you know that those at The Central Office of Those Who Will Never Be Satisfied have declared this model "unbuildable" due to its "fatal flaws"? Geez... how are you ever going to be a Serious Modeler if you don't keep up with the Serious Criticism of Everything? 🙂

    For those of us who reside in Reality World, this is an excellent result of talent over any plastic flaws.


  6. Real nice, looks great!

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    A very commendable job on a model aircraft not too often see Brian.

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