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Jeff Groves
45 articles

Afghani Northern Alliance Tank Transporter Diorama

April 28, 2021 · in Armor · · 9 · 1.7K

Here is a diorama showing the arrival of a Northern Alliance T-55 being welcomed by Afghani militia. The tank transporter is Takom's MAZ-537, the T-55 is from Trumpeter. Figures on the vehicles are from Paracel Miniatures, the rest are modified from various components to represent Afghanis. The structure is a 3D resin print. For those who might be interested, links to the construction posts are here:

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

26 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Great dio, given the scale fantastic detailing job!

  2. I had to read 1/72 twice and remember you never do 1/35, Jeff. Really super diorama, especially in this scale.

  3. Truly amazing work, Jeff!
    Everything is perfect in your diorama.

  4. Excellent result for such a small scale.

  5. Very nice Models and diorama. The figures are exceptionally good . That , and a great topic. It’s not just us. It could be The northern alliance-not And show how fighter collect booty.
    Makes one think. Thanks for showing.

  6. Great looking model and photographs, definitely liked.

  7. Nice dio and the MAZ looks great!
    Cpngratulations- good work!

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