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David G LANE
122 articles

Albatros D.Va, Josef Mai Jasta 5, April-May 1918

April 30, 2021 · in Aviation · 13 · 2.6K

Albatros D.Va, Josef Mai
Jasta 5, April-May 1918
WNW 1:32
Tamiya, AlcadII and MRP paints with oils for wood effect.
Proper Plane Neindorf propeller and raised profile spinner.
Aviattic wing lozenge.
Additional plumbing on engine with brass tubing. Taurus spark plugs with Duro leads.
Gaspatch turnbuckles

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome 1 

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13 responses

  1. As always...very, very nice, David.

  2. Lost of words, David...
    Could easilly pass for 1:1!

  3. Absolutely fabulous!

  4. David, @mentaldental
    You always build exceptional models. This one is my favorite so far. It is so authentic looking, in all seriousness, it could very easily be mistaken for the real thing...The wooden prop, the engine with all of it's additional plumbing and spark plugs and ignition wires...the chipped paint on some of the metal surfaces like the spinner and access panels.

    It looks as if it could fire to life at a moments notice, the cockpit with all of the additional details... the rigging with the brass turnbuckles...the tiny oil stains, and dirt...You even managed to add the proper rigging decals on the wing and cabane struts...the ones that tell which side of the aircraft they belong, and these include the werke number of the airframe. What caught my eye as the most fascinating, is the lozenge decals. They are so accurate, the cloth weaving is even extremely well represented.

    I definitely pressed the "liked" decal for your incredible Albatros. It's a magnificent build and would look right at home in a museum such as the NASM.

  5. Your work never ceases to amaze! Beautiful!

  6. Attention to detail, absolutely superb. Looks like a shrunk down original.

  7. Many thanks gents

  8. Absolutely a perfect build, David.
    Everything on the Albatros is build to perfection.

  9. Your work always amazes, David. This is really beautiful.

  10. Excellent Albatros, David!

  11. Superb! I love how you did the oil spatter around the engine.

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