Heavy Duty...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190F-8, KG200

April 5, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.1K

Built in 2014. kit oob, Gunze and Tamiya acrylics

The KG200, also known as Ghost-Wing, was used for special missions. Besides testing and using captured aircraft, they also did special transports like dropping spies behind enemy lines, long range transports and special attacks like with the Mistel or 1000kg bombs like seen on the model.

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6 responses

  1. Another excellent model, Reinhard!
    Nice, rare configuration!

  2. What a brute. Looking really nice in its greys.

    What about sanding the tires a bit to flatten them, so one really appreciate the heaviness of the load.

  3. At times I like to see a "Plain Jane " which allows one to look at the subtle grays, washes, weathering and the out line of the model. While showing the details in the wheel wells and cockpit too. Your not distracted by kill marks, bright colors or alternating greens or ad-libbed spray patterns of dots and dashes. If anything this painting schemes shows the future of fighter development in showing variations in gray's with a specific factory finish. You see F-16's,F-15's and many other current aircraft with gray variations of gray's that are applied at the factory.

    It also, allows or draws the viewer to look at that 1000 pound bomb, which is the purpose the F-8 . Given the size of the bomb it aides in pointing to the unit KG 200.

    Reinhard, your photography and your fathers work is consistent , sharp, in focus and does a excellent job of communicating what can be done with a model . While showing specific type of aircraft. Sometimes I think modelers do a better job of painting a kit than what was done in the field by the folks who crewed the real aircraft.

    Two thumbs up.

  4. Yikes - that is some bomb to be toted by a fighter! Excellent model as always.

  5. Something I appreciate with this model is it doesn´t seem to represent some ace with 484.564 kills and flashy markings from some well known unit; it is just another Volvo of the skies, doing its job by some anonymous pilot.

  6. Very heavy load indeed, Reinhard.
    It is a beautiful build of a not so often seen Ausführung.
    Great build.

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