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Richard Bungay
68 articles

Lindberg 1/48 Brostol Bulldog

April 25, 2021 · in Aviation · 19 · 2.1K

I built this kit when I was a kid and a always wanted a new tool version but since that hasn't happened, I decided to search for the old Lindberg kit on Ebay and I found one for $15. I wanted a quick build after spending the last 3-½ months building an aircraft carrier ( ). This was a quick build but I wished I had spent a bit more time on it since I think this old kit could look really good with a little care.

Kit: 1/48 Lindberg (917)

Accessories: Red Roo Models RAAF decals (RRD4839)


All my models:

Reader reactions:
16  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. The pedigree of the Lindbergh kit is pretty good compared to some of their other kits.

    Good job on yours! I’ve always liked the Bulldog.

    Brian Riedel

  2. Thanks, I'm one year older than this kit. I'm not looking so great either.

  3. It looks pretty good to me Richard! Nice Job.

  4. Nice, Richard! You really got the most out of this kit. Didn’t know RedRoo made decals for it. Thanks for the tip. It must be British biplane day here at imodeler.

  5. Looks really sharp! Great build!

  6. Yes, that kit can really look good. If you get the Smer/Artiplast release, you can get good decals and the kit will cost about $10, the same as a good sheet of decals. They go well on the Lindberg/Merit kit, which is superior.

    This is what I did with that combination. SMER decals for 19 Squadron CO

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  7. Since when is new better? There are some models that where created by artisan's or engineers who cared about the subject and came up with a classic kit that can hold up to the tests of time.
    If it looks like a duck, quack like a duck and makes you feel that its a duck well then . . .

    Richard I like what your doing. My niggle is that your not showing all of your gifts and talents in this build. If you've got it flaunt it. More photo's please some of us like to study the work of others and this jewel needs to be looked at.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your builds.

  8. Really nice beautiful work, the finish came out great! Some of the Lindberg kits can be made into something really nice, yours is proof.

  9. Richard, more pics please, what you've provided looks great but this gem needs some additional exposure.. The last thing I would have believed is your Bulldog was a Lindberg kit. Well done.

  10. Good bones and modelling talent has resulted in a great replica.

  11. A gem of a build, nicely done! I remember the Pyro and Life Like boxings.

  12. Looks very nice, Richard.
    Well done.

  13. You did a great job there, Richard!

  14. It looks pretty neat from where I'm sitting, Richard, definitely liked. I see that you post your photographs on flickr, unfortunately that's not available in China where I live, so more photographs please.

  15. That's a very nice looking Bulldog! Well done.

  16. Excellent job with the Bulldog Richard. Amazing it’s a Lindberg kit.

  17. It's hard to believe this is the Lindberg kit, Richard (@rbungay). Really nice job.

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