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Charles King
130 articles

Hasbro 'Treadspeeder' to Hover Vehicle Toy Transformation

April 18, 2021 · in Sci-fi · · 12 · 2.2K

This is the Hasbro tread speeder, that I modified to a desert speeder instead. I sawed off the treads, the toy-like missile launcher and it's mechanism, and other parts that I didn't want and replaced the opened areas with plasti-card and some minor scratch built and other small detail parts from 'box of tricks'. The result is what you see. I posed the figure that came along with the Hasbro tread speeder. I posted photos without the figure as well. Thanks for looking. I also posted photos of the original toy before the transformation, so you can see the changes I made.

Reader reactions:
6  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Wow, talking about transformation, my friend @tiking!
    This is a wonderful result, love to see all detailing added!

  2. A much more intelligent choice, and it looks better to boot.

    "treadspeeder" - a contradiction in terms as well as a violation of the laws of physics (always an issue in Star Bores movies).

  3. Adapting and improvising! Looks great.

  4. Terrific job moving this out of the "toy" category into the "model" category, Charles (@tiking). I have always like Star Wars movies, especially the really imaginative vehicles they have. Weathering is well-done, and the figure is a nice touch.

  5. That is an amazing transformation from a toy. The weathering is outstanding.

  6. Very imaginative work, Charles, beautifully carried out. Definitely liked.

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