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Louis Gardner
175 articles

Upcoming Group Build “Imperial German Air Force and Luftwaffe” Starting on May 1st

April 3, 2021 · in News · · 40 · 2.2K

Here is the official announcement ! I have leaked it out to some of you and I have received a tremendous response. So without any further delay, I will officially start the new "" on May 1st.

Some of you may wonder why I chose May 1st... Here's why: The Imperial German Air Force was founded on this very day, way back in 1910, on May 1st. This will cover all German aircraft from the "Great War" or World War One as it is also known.

This date was chosen, because this will allow many of us to build up some of the Wingnut Wings, Eduard, and Rhoden kits we have in the stash. I have decided to extend the time range of builds for this upcoming group all the way to the current modern day. This will allow us to build current Luftwaffe jets should you so desire. This will also cover the aircraft and vehicles used by the Luftwaffe from the 1950's when they were reborn after WW2 and became a part of NATO.

For you "Ground Pounders" out there, the Luftwaffe also had a ground least during World War Two. So if you have an armored vehicle, truck or anti aircraft weapon in your stash, and you can somehow link it to the Luftwaffe, now is the time to break it out.

This advance notice gives you a month to start thinking about what you want to build.

Stay safe everyone.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

40 responses

  1. I'm definitely in, Louis (@lgardner). I will be working around a move to a new house/city, but I think I can get one or two done.

  2. Ohhhh noes! Another excuse to do a German airplane in weird and wonderful markings!

    I'm in.

  3. Yet another one of your wonderful GB concepts, my good friend @lgardner!
    This will be an epic GB, so many amazing building possibilities in there!
    Count me in!

    • Hello Spiros, @fiveten
      Yes this group will have numerous possibilities. I'm really looking forward to this one. I might actually be able to clear a few unfinished builds that I have started. It fantastic to hear that you will be joining us. 🙂

  4. I have to take a look on my stash, I am not sure if I have anything with Luftwaffe markings. How about the East German airforce?

    • Csaba @pikofix
      Absolutely ! The East German Air Force will be just fine. I happen to like the planes you have on your home page. I have at least one Ju-52 planned in 1/48 scale. Thanks for joining with us.

  5. Would like to join this GB as well, Louis @lgardner
    I do have some German aircraft in stash which are asking to be build.

    • Hello John, @johnb
      Wonderful news my friend ! This should be a good one... I have several builds planned right away. There will not be a limit placed. The only requirement is the model must not be finished yet. I have several started 1/48 scale He-111's, (one is the ICM and the other a Monogram kit) I would like to complete.

      • @lgardner
        Still have three untouched German aircraft in stash.
        Need to decide which one will be the first candidate.
        Several 1/48 He111's require some storage space.
        Still looking for one to accompany my old, handpainted, Ju88.

        • John, @johnb
          This sounds great ! We can always use another Heinkel He-111 or a Junkers Ju-88...perfect.

          I have several of each started in 1/48 and I hope to get these finished. If I do, I am seriously thinking about opening up my 1/32 scale Revell He-111 and Ju-88's. Time will tell... 🙂

  6. Date entered in the timemanager.

  7. count me in let me check what I have coming up. Looking forward to another German wingy thingy.

  8. This is a GB I cannot help participating. And I will even build a ground force kit just for the exotic flavour.
    Louis, @lgardber- Can I squeeze in a 50% started build? I have this baby on top of my workbench for a year now and I really want to complete him

    • Pedro, @holzhamer
      Certainly my friend. In every one of the group builds I have started there has been this option to enter builds that have not been completed. As long as it is not a completed build, it will work. That's a great looking 262 by the way ! I can't wait to see how it looks once you finish it up...

  9. Ahhhhhh... the alluring, hypnotic PULL of another interesting Gardner group build... Your timing is perfect since you've included WW1 options.

    • Gary, @gwskat
      I wanted it the allow WW1 aircraft as well, so that we can build a few Wingnut Wings (that's what I'm going to do) kits if we want 🙂
      The Luftwaffe group build is definitely alluring... like a Siren is to the sailor...

  10. Would Condor Legion stuff count?

  11. Hmmm, no commitments yet but I do have a couple of rather large 1/35 Tamiya boxes in the stash that are slated to be finished as Luftwaffe subjects. A flak 88 that can be built as deployed or being towed. To tow it there's an 8-ton halftrack. Figures included are in-action figures for the deployed 88 or riding figures to simulate the 88 crew on the move in the halftrack. I plan to do the mobile setup, with the Luftwaffe gun crew in the halftrack with its canvas top up and the 88 on its wheels in tow behind. I even have an empty shelf above my workbench to put in on when finished.

    When I bought these kits (sometime in the 90's I think?) the 88 came with a Zundapp motorcycle which I stole from the 88 kit and built since I was building military bikes at the time, so that part of it is done! It's on the shelf awaiting the rest of it all. Note the Luftwaffe license number. The horse behind it has been finished since then too. More photos in my 1/35 Armo(u)r article if anyone's interested.

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

    • Hello again John, @krukowskijohn
      These will be perfect additions to the group build. I have a 1/35 scale Dragon / DML "Smart Kit" of a Sdkfz 7/1 German half track, that has a Flak 38 which is a quad 20 MM anti aircraft weapon mounted in the rear. I think it would look good parked close to one of my planned 1/32 scale aircraft builds. I noticed the bumper nummer... WL. Perfect for the group.

      PS: You really do some nice work on painting the figures. This is something I am horrible at.

  12. One of my friend kindly donated a half of Eduard's Anglerangriff set (he always only build one model of a type - life is too short he says - and the box contains two kits - I was lucky 😀 ) and I long time want a Galland 109E 🙂 Great excuse, so I'm in!

  13. Looking forward to it. Time to get out my FW-190's.

  14. Oh no! Just as I managed to empty my stash. you drag me back into the game, I'm trying build as I buy. Don't know what to build yet. @lgardner.

  15. I'll have plenty to contribute - in the middle of my 109's project now, and want to do a couple more twins (110 for sure, maybe a Do 217 that may also fit in the night-fighter GB), plus perhaps something from my Phantom project.

  16. A couple of projects to finish which will fit the bill for this one.
    A couple to start too
    Nice choice @lgardner!

  17. Hi, Louis... I'm a newbie to group builds, but count me in.



  18. Count me and my seven-year-old in. He's obsessed with WWI planes. We have a couple of different Fokkers we shall tackle. Incentive!

  19. Louis, thanks for the invite, I have a couple or so things in mind, here's three I prepared earlier !

    3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

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