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David Kopielski
75 articles

1/72 Hasegawa P-2H Neptune (P2V-7) of VP-4

May 8, 2021 · in Aviation · · 6 · 1.5K

The 1/72 Hasegawa P-2H Neptune (P2V-7) is now complete! I added a couple of details the completed this special build. There are numerous photos of the aircraft showing all the details. I am waiting for the brass nameplate to arrive then the aircraft can be packed and shipped to the client. He has already seen the final photos and is extremely happy with the how well it came out.

Check out all the photos and details from start to finish in the build log

Also, last week I added a tip on masking with kapton tape in the tips and tricks section. This morning I added a brief video on how easy it is to mask off canopies and clear parts. You can see the tip and watch the video at

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. Well done David, that's a fine looking VP-4 Neptune. No doubt your client will be delighted.

  2. You turned this kit into a great looking Neptune, David.
    Thanks for sharing your build process.

  3. It's hard to get that kit right. You did it.

  4. Fantastic job, David!
    Thanks for the kapton tape trick!

  5. A great-looking Neptune! I've got the conversion kit to make this kit into a Vietnam gunship - the pieces are vac-formed, so I'm a bit hesitant to dive into it...

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