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Charles King
130 articles

The Ukrainian 6447 5247H Titan Trailer with The FUG 2.5Ton Forklift

May 2, 2021 · in Automotive · · 21 · 2.3K

This is basically a 'What-if' project like the other project I did with the M915 Trumpeter kit and burnt-out excavator. The basic kit is the Takom Ukrainian KrAZ-6446 Tractor with MAZ/ChMZAP-5247G Semi-. I had shorten the chassi of the trailer to make it feasible for this particular type of design. The original trailer is capable of carry a tank but with these mods, it could carry something a little less than a tank. But again, I am playing with the idea and thought it would be something different than just the ordinary look of a kit version.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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21 responses

  1. Not normal, in other words: Far beyond the abilities of many modeler! Great work @tiking !

  2. The not normal is what we love about your builds Mr King!

  3. Excellent work as always on your construction equipment models. I could have passed that transporter on the highway last week.

  4. This is a truly great model, my friend @tiking! Build with your usual commitment to excellence, it looks 1:1. What sets this build apart is the fact that it looks absolutely real, yet it is a whatiffer! This is really amazing, playing with our imagination!

  5. This is a bloody amazing model composition, just looks like real. Thumbs up for a masterpiece!

  6. Once again the level of realism in the paintwork is outstanding. Well done.

  7. Keeping with M. Verschuere's sentiments...who in the WORLD can match Charles' work?
    Applause, applause for modeling realism to be compared only with the 1X1s of the real world.

    • Kind words Bob but believe me, there are artist many times better than me. I am only doing what I am capable of doing within my own limits. Although, those limits can be extended, its only up to the individual. But I am working on it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Normal is as normal does, I don't know what that means. Great work! Looks good on the wood base.

  9. Very realistic work as always, it looks great with that shortened wheelbase and the load really suits it.

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