The forklift Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with forklift
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 1 month ago

'Ooops!, there goes the Holiday Bonus' Forklift Incident

After these photos were taken, I'd realized I did not add a crucial detail. The slight damage to the ground, when the forks came in contact. Not there would have been any major difference to the ground or tarmac, but it would make for a [...]

The Down-Graded Ukrainian 6447 5247H Titan Trailer with The FUG 2.5Ton Forklift

I posted the first mods of this build sometime ago. Now. I have redesigned it by removing the tractor and keeping it as a trailer. I removed the original two single ramps at the back and replaced it with a scratch built single wide ramp. I [...]

The Ukrainian 6447 5247H Titan Trailer with The FUG 2.5Ton Forklift

This is basically a 'What-if' project like the other project I did with the M915 Trumpeter kit and burnt-out excavator. The basic kit is the Takom Ukrainian KrAZ-6446 Tractor with MAZ/ChMZAP-5247G Semi-Trailer. I had shorten the chassi of [...]


This is a forklift I made for my present diorama I am working on at the moment. I used, the sponge technique, as well as, a sharp X-to knife for the scuffed and scratches areas. I then used light dust, and dark brown colors from Citadel. [...]