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Stephen W Towle
14 articles

Airfix 1/72 scale F-86F/E(M) Sabre. With “The Huff” decals.

June 28, 2021 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.1K

The F-86 was one of first new kits released from Hornby Hobbies and I believe that they may have lifted the drawings from one of their Corgi metal diecast kits to meet the needs of doing the plastic version in 1/72nd. Looking into the box things look pretty good. With optional flatten tires, speed brakes that open, a canopy that slides back, a holder for a nose weight above the nose intake, and the opening for the ammunition at the wing root. With decals being printed by Cartograf. The "Fan Boys" will point out that the drop tanks are not placed correctly ,the landing gear brakes are non descript and the nose wheel is generic or doesn't resemble any F-86 nose gear. Plus, the canopy is too pointed and narrow at the back. The bottom frame of the canopy is too narrow. Looking directly down on the fuselage at the mid-section from a dorsal view when compared to other kits the fuselage is narrow. So you get what you pay for and if the object of doing the project is having fun . . . like the character actor in the film asking the director "what's my motivation ?" . . . well it's to have fun doing a hobby and you don't always have to sweet the details. I ended up placing a canopy from a Hobby Craft Mk5 canopy on the kit in some of the photo's and noticed that on the right side of the kit the decals sheet
didn't show a head on the aircraft which to some folks is not PC. But, on the whole the kit does represent Lt. Jim Thompson's aircraft from the port side with what any marketing expert knows that a cartoon or animal slapped on a bottle, toy or model sells. Bottom line a fun little kit reasonably priced.

Paints used Old Silver and some Model Master black, Gray, Red, and Green primer for the wells.

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12 responses

  1. Famous actual line regarding "What's my motivation?" from the movie "Judgement at Nuremberg."

    The movie was William Shatner's first appearance in a movie. They're getting ready for his first scene, and he's dawdling and making things run late. The director finally asks what the delay is, to which he answers "I'm looking for my motivation here." And Spencer Tracy,who's been standing there awhile now waiting (he was always prepared) looks over at young Mr. S and says "Your paycheck, my boy." Things moved faster after that.

    Nice model even if the kit is all wrong.

  2. Looks great. Great result Stephen. 1/72 scale can be difficult to realize. It allows shortcomings of the model to be not so serious a flaw I guess. Any scale smaller in number would beg for more “Corrections”.
    This from a Hopeless amateur.
    Keep on Trucking away!

  3. Great looking Sabre, Stephen.
    She looks much bigger than a 1/72.
    Nice colorful scheme.

  4. I can't comment on the inaccuracies or otherwise of the kit @stephen-w-towle but it certainly looks good in the photographs, definitely liked.

  5. Nice work, Stephen, best part of it is that you had fun doing it!

  6. Looks great, Stephen. I’m no Sabre expert, but nothing bad really jumps out at me viewing it.

  7. Nice model in NMF which is never easy.

    The hobby has been a balance of accuracy vs ease of build. How/What you build is up to you. I liked what I've built from the new Airfix.

  8. It looks pretty good to me Stephen!

  9. Looks like a Sabre to me. Nice work.

  10. Looks great! Pretty colorful markings - many Sabres seemed to sport them.

  11. A great looking F-86! Nicely done.

  12. Thankyou all for the posts and taking the time to look at the build.

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