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Andrew H
47 articles

Boeing F/A-18E Super HornetRevell 1/48

June 30, 2021 · in Aviation · · 11 · 3.6K

With some time off work this week, I'm hoping to get caught up with a few older builds, starting with this Ok-ish Revell kit. This usually retails for just a bit over $20 USD, which is a pretty good deal in spite of the cumbersome build. This particular boxing is not the latest "Top Gun" boxing, which I believe is the same kit, albeit with more ordinance options. Given that the price is 1/4 of a Hasegawa/Meng kit, it still builds up OK.

The recessed panel lines and details aren't bad, but they are rather inconsistent, ranging from clear and fine to washed out and soft. The engineering of the kit is pretty shoddy, and fuselage joints are anything but ideal in fitment nor in placement. Because of this, a lot of putty work was required, so just be aware of that. Also, note that the ECM vents on the upper rear fuselage are molded into the fuselage and are the early style vents. This was not correct for my build, but I did not want to sink money into correcting it. Most Super Hornets have been retrofit to the new style throughout the years, and this a/c was retrofit prior to it's 2011 depiction here.

For the paint, pre & post shading was done, and the base colors are Vallejo Light & Dark Ghost Grey. A mix of Tamiya and MM acrylics were used elsewhere, and Tamiya panel line wash and chalks were used for some contrast. The decals to depict this VFA-14 "Tophatters" CAG bird were from Afterburner Decals "Superbug Part 3" sheet (48-077), which is both more interesting than the kit decals, as well as much, much high quality (Cartograf). The kit decals were just short of unusable. All was sealed with Tamiya X-35, save for the black vertical stabs.

By far not a terribly proud build, being the first jet I've built in about 20 years. If you are considering building one of these Revell kits due to the lower price (don't pay more than $30 USD) then know, good results can be achieved, but patient modelling skills are required.

I hope you like!

Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. One hot Hornet! Nice to see a bit of color as you did the CAG bird. I fell into the vent issue when I did the Italeri 1/72, I also left them alone.

    • Thanks Rob! I would have preferred to do a Felix CAG (especially one with the black dorsal and red/black vert stabs), but I happened across this sheet at the LHS shortly after buying the kit, so I chose the next best.. 😉 Also, It'll eventually look cool next to a Tophatter Curtis Goshawk.

  2. Well-done, Andrew. You successfully worked through some build issues and came up with a very fine looking model. All good.

  3. Looks great - love the shading and weathering - looks about right to my eye, and not overdone. Well done.

  4. Awesome build, Andrew.
    A very nice scheme.

  5. Amazing Super Hornet, Andrew!

  6. Nice work, Andrew. Especially on the intakes.

  7. Awesome work Andrew, Love how you've painted and weathered it. Looks very realistic.
    Really nice build.

    I've got the 1/72nd Academy kit that I need to do.

  8. Having just fought my way thru one of these, I think your results are nothing less than spectacular

  9. I believe this is the Revell model that I built years ago but with different decals. Yours looks spectacular! Wonderful job and I love your decals!

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