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Andrew H
46 articles

Lockheed SR-71 BlackbirdRevell 1/72

June 30, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 3.4K

Last one for today, this is Revell's 1/72 SR-71. I modelled this one wheels-up on an old stand I had in the parts bin. I typically do not build 1/72, so having this one on a stand apart from my 1/48's was more appropriate. Also, I wanted to build this because growing up, my oldest brother had a similar display on his dresser, seen in the photo below. I always loved looking at it, taking it apart and putting it back together. Because I couldn't be trusted with a tube of glue back then, this was the extent of my modelling, and likely a precursor to my enjoyment of the hobby and my mechanical apt career choices.

The kit is not perfect, but it is workable. Fit is OK, and as with other Revell kits of this vintage, seam lines are ill placed. With a little bit of glue, putty and paint, you can get happy results. Hopefully Revell's forthcoming release will be much more than a scaled-up version of this old kit.

Paint was shades of blacks and blue, then sealed with Tamiya X-22 for decals. The kit decals worked well, and were then sealed with Vallejo Matte varnish. No weathering for this stand display.

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20 responses

  1. Beautiful like the others, Andrew.
    You have presented a nice set of builds.
    Even at 1/72 this is still a big bird.
    Love it.

  2. Looks great ! I built the Monogram boxing a few years ago---finished up fairly descent---although the decals were troublesome.

  3. I love it! My son had that kit when he was little boy but it didn't look like that!. She looks excellent on that stand too. 🙂

  4. Love your Blackbird, Andrew!
    I believe 1/72 is not a bad scale at all for such a biggish, all black bird (Blackbird!).
    And yes, it looks much meaner in flying status!

    • Spiros @fiveten, it's certainly an appropriate scale, and would be daunting in 1/48 (per Revell's forthcoming launch)... Now if only I could find a way to model those gorgeous afterburner cones with some led lights... Perhaps too ambitious... 😉

  5. It is an airplane that I have always liked. I find the correct finish with the painting quite difficult. Nice job.

  6. Great looking blackbird, Andrew. It’s not easy to get a realistic look with an all black scheme but you’ve nailed it!

  7. Very nice Blackbird. Well done.

  8. I really like your blackbird build. Having seen a few real ones in museums (and one taking off when I was a kid), they are deceptively large.

    • Greg @gwfabian, I'd like to think that I'll get Revell's new tool 1:48 kit when it releases later this year, but I would have to hang it from the ceiling or mount it to a wall.. it will be very large.

  9. Andrew, again your painting is brilliant - I love this plane and it looks amazing how you've built it.

  10. Another great job! Is this the tooling from their seventies kit? Way back when I did their old YF-12A[A-11]variant.

    • Rob @roofrat, this was their latest boxing, which looks to be based on the Monogram kit, of which I do not believe a YF-12 was ever issued. This kit also included the drone, but I did not spend any time on it.

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