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Rob Anderson
204 articles

325th FG P-51D Checkertail done!

July 8, 2021 · in Uncategorized · 14 · 1.4K

Haven't posted much on this since in work photos of Tamiya's 1/32 P-51D abound on the net. I used Draw decals checkers after failing many times with masking and then trying to cut our my own. They fit quite well. Lots of Barracuda detail sets, some old old old Microscale 325th decals, that actually went on well and were not yellowed! So here she is Lt Robert S Bass' Stout Burr Bon, 317th FS 325th Fighter Group Italy 1945

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9  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Dang Rob, is it real or a model? 🙂 . I know it looks great and the cockpit is sensational! Wow, really great work @robertandy!

  2. Nice, nice, nice! Beautiful work on your Mustang, looks great.

  3. Awesome work, Rob. Any special methods to use the Draw set?

    • Not really, they are very thin though so like some other decals they tend to curl a bit if you are not careful. The carrier film is very thin, which is nice because of the blank spaces between the checks. I was afraid of silvering, but they settled down fine. I did have to trim and touch up here and there, but nothing that is out of the ordinary.

  4. Really, really nice, Rob! The cockpit is great and the overall finish and result is superb.

  5. Amazing result, Rob!

  6. Great build, Rob.
    That checkerboard does look beautiful.

  7. Thanks everyone!

  8. Excellent work. I want to get this kit someday. You did a great job on this model.

  9. That is one purty pony! Excellent build.

  10. Masterful Mustang build, nice to see your work again.

  11. Beautiful work, and great job completing it as a 325th Checkertail. Those large thin decals will present some serious challenges. Your persistence paid off in a big way.

    • Yes the large decals were tough they wanted to curl up under themselves. The ones I was most impressed with though were the Microscale ones. I put a coat of their liquid decal film over them so they did not shatter, and those 40 year old decals did as good or better than the modern ones!

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