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David G LANE
122 articles

Cameron Highlander Officer 79th Reg. 1854

August 19, 2021 · in Figures · 12 · 1.7K

Raul Lattore sculpt 54mm
Mainly oils
Lace and tartan in acrylic

Reader reactions:
13  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. Another excellent job, David!
    Details at the uniform are, simply, amazing!

  2. David. This, so-far, is probably my favorite. Very, very nice. The face looks very realistic.

  3. A masterpiece in my humble opinion.

  4. Exquisite and utterly realistic. Did you paint the flannel?

  5. Astonishing. If the Highlander blinks an eye, I die!

  6. Very impressive and realistic.

  7. Another great sculpture, David @mentaldental
    Really impressive paintwork.

  8. Really nice, David (@mentaldental). The work on the face and hands is very realistic. I admire people who can do work like this. Mine always come out looking like a blob.

  9. Really amazing work, anytime I see your postings I need to look twice to make sure it's not the real deal!

  10. Amazing @mentaldental... Do you have an Youtube channel with videos on your builds?

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