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Nikola Kovacevic
4 articles

Revell Northsea Fishing Trawler, 1:142

August 15, 2021 · in Ships · · 14 · 2.4K

This is my third model.

I can say, this one was the easiest so far. The model, molding to be specific is quite good quality, all parts fits just fine. The only problem with this package is that for some reason I didn't received not a single decal, so I was quite upset because to get full picture of any model is decals. Decals just give you the complete look of any model. ( at least for me ). Nevertheless, it was fun to make this ship.

I didn't make any weathering on this model because I have no experience doing it yet, but in the future I will get a bit more practice πŸ™‚

And the last part, I need to make some skills in photography as well πŸ˜€

It was very satisfactory and I hope this model looks a bit better than previous ones.

Thank you for all your comments and warm welcome in this modeling world, cheers!

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10  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Another golden oldie whose origins where aimed at younger hands. Back when the kids looked past the finer details, until they grew up to be boomers and had more money to spend and demanded more detailed models. If you take this kits into its proper context from the time period they where originally made there not bad. Often, Revell would repackage kits and make them into Russian trawlers or other types to get more mileage out of the molds. Today, its nostalgia. I have seen kits that have been up dated with better hardware and they can look pretty good.

    Thanks for sharing Nikola.

  2. Nicely done Nikola! Weathering is a funny skill to learn. Everyone is different on their approach, some likes it a lot and very good at it and some don’t care for it. For myself I am still trying to figure out the best approach.

  3. That’s a fine looking ship. Your others were good, but this ones even better. It takes patience to do that fine detail painting like you’ve done on this ship.

  4. A nice model, clearly showing your improving skills, Nikola!

    I agree with our friend Bob @v1pro regarding the weathering. A good idea might be to watch some YouTube tutorials.

  5. You are indeed becoming a better modeller, Nikola @nidzicken
    This build clearly shows that.
    Pitty about the missing decals, still it looks impressive without them.
    Weathering is not easy, above mentioned advises are of good help.

  6. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    From what I can see ... you are off to a very good start.
    Nice clean and sharp work Nikola, nice work on the rigging.

  7. What a beauty and well done! There's been a rise in interest in these older kits by virtue of Atlantis Models. Re-popping them means one can build them without resorting to what could potentially be an expensive collectable. Not only are they nostalgic (for some!) they are also good leaning tools as their engineering is nowhere near what it is today. So to get a good result means you have to learn the basics. Excellent stuff!

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