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David G LANE
122 articles

3 Para Mt.Longdon , Falklands 1982

September 7, 2021 · in Figures · · 6 · 2.2K

120mm Resin casting ( awful) Mitches models. Moz Cory sculpt.
Vallejo for the DPM
Printers inks

This is a b'day present for a vet who's 60 next month.
They'd been in the field around two weeks in freezing winds, rain, snow before they made the bottom of the assault. They were filthy!
Corporal in front of him stepped on a mine and lost a leg,. Trooper to his left was killed by a sniper who then got him in the hand almost severing his finger. Hard as nails!

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome

6 additional images. Click to enlarge.

6 responses

  1. WOW! Amazing, congratulations!

  2. Well, once again, it's up to your consistently-excellent consistent standard of excellence, @mentaldental.

  3. Outstanding work once again.

  4. Another great sculpture, David @mentaldental
    Beautiful paintwork.

  5. An excellent result, David! The story can very well explain the face expression...
    Congratulations and thanks for sharing your amazing job!

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