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Ross Paton
31 articles

RAF Museum, Cosford near Birmingham

September 24, 2021 · in Aviation · 8 · 2.3K

Had time on the way to a meeting near Bristol to call in at Cosford. Many of you will have been. There are some very rare birds in there. A Bf 410 Hornisse. A Boulton Paul Defiant among others. Also the famous 109G "Black 6"

On models there were a few on display but this pair of (I assume) HK Models 1/32 Lancs are amazing plus the absolutely stunning 1/8th scale P51 in the entrance hall. There are no words for this thing!

Sorry about the Morris Traveller! Couldn't resist.

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8  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Those are really amazing pics, Ross, of equally amazing subjects!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Definitely on the plane pilgrimage tour of things to see.
    Thanks for sharing. Dreaming about it just got better !

  3. What a lovely pair of Lanc! The Morris Traveller brings back memories of seeing it when I was a child in Hong Kong. Wish it is available in 1/24 scale.

  4. Great shots, the Lancasters looks amazing and the Mustang is very impressive. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Thanks for posting these pictures, Ross (@ross4). P-51s are spectacular. I went through England many times when I was flying in the Air Force, but never got to do any sightseeing. This is definitely on my bucket list.

  6. I love this place, the local IPMS group hold there annual club day there ,but not for a couple years !, it is a fantastic day out ,in my oppinion way better than Scale Model World . The clubs that exhibit get to display within the confines of the aircraft so you could find your club stand under the Lincoln or the Mosquito or any of the other aircraft - Amazing

  7. Interesting looking place.

    Just as an aside, the 410 is a Me-410. The designation differences are over obscure corporate history regarding when Messerschmitt was able to fully buy Bayerische Flugzeug and make it Messerschmitt, but the easy "rule of thumb" is that 109s and 110s are "Bf" and everything else is "Me" - don't ask further. 🙂

  8. Very interesting location, Ross @ross4
    Will put it on my wish list as well.

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