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Robert Royes
258 articles

"The finest light cavalry in the world.."

October 14, 2021 · in Figures · 6 · 1.5K

Of the Native Americans of the Northern Plains, including the Sioux and others, that is how some historians have classified them.
This is an old Imrie/Risley figure that my father had. Knowing that I could not do it justice if I attempted to do a proper paint job on it, I elected to try and make it look like a bronze statue.

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9  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. I never though about doing it this way but it looks good. It would match a statue perfectly. I just did a quick search on this and eBay has a lot of three for sale. Does not look like an easy item to find.

  2. Something different from the norm, for sure, Robert. And what a great idea to finish it in bronze shade:
    It looks amazing!
    Kudos to your creativity!

  3. It looks awesome this way, Robert @roofrat
    This bronze painting looks perfect.

  4. Hoka Hey ! Great tribute and sincere to boot.A confused history revision this is not. thanks for posting Robert

  5. Great idea, Robert (@roofrat). I am sure I would embarrass myself if I tried to paint a figure.

  6. Good thinking, Robert, it turned out well.

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