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Clarence Novak
33 articles

1/32 Monogram Apollo Command Service Module

December 12, 2021 · in Space · · 5 · 2.6K

1/32 Command Service Module

New Ware decals and PE. Resin cockpit, seats, and astronauts. Cut off # 8 bulb glass for clear space helmets. Many detail elements sourced from spares box. Use of multiple types and textures of foils. PE antennas. Heavily weighted base with support rod. BMF foil strips cut and fit to command module.

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5 responses

  1. Your building objects are quite diverse, Clarence @jagmkx
    This command module is not exception, looks great.

  2. Amazing job, Clarence!

  3. Thanks guys...I made some essential errors, such as not gluing the two main halves true? How does one do that? The partial sheeting method I used to fix it was successful but much work I brought on thru my error(s). Anyone who builds anything rockets, etc knows that even an untrained eye expects symmetry on the length... all the work following won't make up for that error in expected uniform geometry. Try sawing off miniature light bulb globes? I had to cut (break) over 45 to get three that worked..:)...Just because you plan to use ALL your bandages, doesn't mean you will be able to stop the bleeding...:) Before the construction of the CERN Particle Accelerator,, I believe the CSM was the most complex device ever made by man... I know the kit was..:))

  4. Wow Clarence your modelling skills are amazing

  5. What’s really incredible is how the entire mission relied on a whopping 74 KB of “woven” ROM memory. The Apollo missions were one giant step for the pocket calculator. Ironically they called it "LOL" memory. Ostensibly, this meant "Little Old Lady" memory. Today however, it would have a different meaning.

    To the moon Alice! To the moon!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

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