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Alistair Gauld
115 articles

Airfix 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109E3

December 31, 2021 · in Aviation · · 16 · 1.3K

My final completion for 2021.
Always fancied doing a Swiss one of these.
Pretty much OOB apart from the Decals and shaving some lumps and bumps off.
The armament isn't right but it's I can't see it from a foot away.

Primed with Neutral Grey.
Painted with ColourCoats RLM 02, RLM 70, RLM 65, Tamiya Semi-Gloss Black, Gun Metal, Nato Black and Flat Red.
Finished with Windsor & Newton Matt and Satin Varnish.
Aerial rigging Uschi Van Der Rosten Fine
Decals Kora Dec 72-132.

Thanks for looking,

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

9 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. A well dressed Tamiya build Alistair.
    And I guess great minds must think alike as I also have a 1/72 E-3 lined up and some Rising Sun Decals for my Swiss Emil, hopefully earlier and not later in 2022.
    Cheers and Happy New Year!

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  2. Great looking Emil, Alistair @alistairfgauld
    A beautiful end of the year model.
    Happy New Year and all the best.

  3. What a great way to end 2021, Alistair!
    Your Emil looks wonderful, with the Swiss camo really suiting.
    Happy New Year, BIG THANKS for all the fantastic models you shared with us, each one of them a pleasure to watch.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Nicely done, that scheme looks great!

  5. Nicely done in colourful Swiss markings Alistair.

  6. That is a very nice Emil Alistair @alistairfgauld.

    You are quite right about the armament - not to be noted from a foot away - however the modified top in front of the canopy is indeed visible, and looking great. Should I spoil the party and point out it might look better with the masking tape off the front of the hood? - well, that is an easy fix I suppose, and apart from that, great stuff - I will hit the star on my way out.

    Happy new year

    • Thanks so much for both your kind comment and mentioning the masking tape.
      I was trying to recreate the Instrument training version of the 109 developed and quickly dropped by the Swiss.

      Alright I'm not fooling anyone including my self with this deranged waffle.
      I've no idea how I missed it but the offending article has been removed now.
      Thanks for letting me know.


  7. I think it looked great even with the masking tape.

  8. Very nice! Like George, I too have decals for a Swiss 109 - perhaps to evolve into a build in 2022...

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