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Allan J Withers
208 articles

2022, another covid year, stay safe, stay home, a happy new year of modeling for eveyone, lets hope, my models finished in 2021, in no particular order.

January 1, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 26 · 2.6K

1/72 aircraft, from the de Havilland 100 GB - DH 83 Fox Moth, DH 60G Gipsy Moth, DH 89A Dragon Rapide, DHA 98 FB 40 Mosquito, DH 98 PR 16 Mosquito, DHA 100 T 33 Vampire, DHA FB 31 Vampire, DH 110 FAW 1 Sea Vixen; RAN - Hawker FB 11 Sea Fury, Bristol HR 50 Sycamore; F1 - Lotus 25 Coventry Climax.

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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26 responses

  1. Congratulations on yet another productive year, Allan!
    Each one or your models is excellently built, attention to detail is everywhere evident.
    Happy new year!

  2. Happy New Year, Allan! Great output.

  3. A lovely collection for the year Allan, every one a gem as usual.
    Happy new year.

  4. Nice work all to a superb standard.

  5. They are all great looking, Allan @kalamazoo
    It was a pleasure to follow your threads.
    Happy New Year.

  6. One would think of you being a bit masochistic to produce a stream of nice little biplanes? Love the Fox Moth, an elegant machine. The Gypsy Moth must have been an ordeal getting all struts and wires right. Happy new year!

  7. Happy new year Allen. Very nice collection of Aussie themed models.

  8. Happy New Year, Allan! What a brilliant set of builds for 2021! I'm not on as much as I'd like to be so it's great to see your year all in one place. All brilliant, but the Rapide is an absolute stunner. Stay safe as Covid plays out in Aus - looking forward to seeing 2022's subjects!

  9. Very nice output Allen @kalamazoo.

    Is that Lotus an Ebbro kit by chance?

  10. Beautiful collection, Allen!

  11. Nice lineup, though I did notice the last one there has HUGE landing gear in proportion to the rest of the fuselage! Happy New Year to you as well!

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