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Bob Torres
73 articles

My 2021 Builds

January 1, 2022 · in Aviation · · 18 · 1.6K

These are my builds for 2021. My main goals were to have at least one build for each month, at least one multi-eng plane for the year, at least one vacuform build for the year and to try to have a resin build in which that would be my first. I met all goals and a bit more.

It was an interesting year for me, I wanted to venture into other country's Air Forces. Out of the 16 builds, 12 different nations markings were used.

AMT/FROG 1/72 Macchi MC 202 (Italy)
Academy 1/72 P-40M (Finland)
FROG 1/72 Westland Wessex (England)
Revell/Lindberg 1/72 Heinkel He-162 (Germany)
Heller 1/72 PZL P.11c (Poland)
Mister Craft 1/72 PZL P.7a (Romania)
KP 1/72 Arado Ar.96 (Germany)
Heller's Me-109K converted into an Avia S-199 (Israel)
The old KP 1/72 Avia CS-199 (Czechoslovakia)
Amodel 1/72 IAR-80 (Romania)
CMK 1/72 Sukhoi Su-5 (Russia) (Multi-engine) (Resin)
Czech Masters 1/72 Yak-1 (Russia) (Resin)
FROG 1/72 Avia S-92 (Czechoslovakia) (Multi-engine)
Mach 2 1/72 Sikorsky S-51 (USA)
Rareplane 1/72 Heinkel He-112 (Spanish Nationalist Air Force) (Vacuform)
Heller 1/72 Heinkel He-112 (Romania)

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

16 additional images. Click to enlarge.

18 responses

  1. All looking great, my friend Bob!

  2. Every single one of them looks amazing, Bob @v1pro
    I should definitely also try some 1/72 builds.

  3. Congrats on a productive and great looking output. Nice to see varied medium builds.

  4. Quite a collection Bob...well done!

  5. Wow Bob that's an impressive body of work for the year. Congratulations on meeting all your goals.

  6. Great collection, nice job!

  7. Very impressive work , Bob @v1pro ! It’s interesting to see the variety of uncommon aircraft & markings. Very cool collection ! I’ve enjoyed watching the builds you posted on imodeler .

    • Thank you Jay. I have been having a great time in this site. I love seeing everyone’s work. I am looking forward on your FW-190 build when that gets started.

  8. Well done Bob, a lovely varied collection of 1/72 aircraft.

  9. Great work Bob - you've had a busy 2021 - Love the Wessex and the Macchi but all of your builds are very nicely done. Keep it up.

    • Anthony, thank you. I really enjoyed building the Wessex. The Macchi surprised me on how well the wings were engineered to put together. I also felt the same on Frog’s Hurricane.

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