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Scott Nelson
134 articles

Chinese Tony

February 4, 2022 · in Aviation · · 8 · 1.4K

Not long ago I finished the Tamiya and shortly after that I ran across an older version of the Hasegawa kit for a decent price. So I decided to take a chance on it even though I knew it would be good, but not up to the standards of the Tamiya kit.

The decals were unusable so I searched for some alternatives and found an interesting set on eBay for a Nationalist Chinese Ki-61 so I ended up buying them and some green splotches decals to boot. Yes, I spent more on decals than I did on the kit. Again.

Anyway, as is typical of the older Hasegawa kits, interior detail was basic, exterior detail well done relative to the time. Fit was very good with only a bare minimum of Mr. Surfacer 1000 needed around the underside wing/fuselage seam.

The green splotches decals were great although tedious. Each one is a single decal. The National markings had a clear laquer finish on them making them pretty unresponsive to decal solutions. Small cracks in them are visible on compound curves and they didn't settle down into the panel lines well at all.

Despite the decal issues I am pleased with the overall results. It's definitely a different looking finish in my collection.

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10  Awesome

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8 responses

  1. Nice work Scott. Good job bringing a classic kit up to snuff. The decal work is great.

  2. Great looking Tony, Scott @guitarhack5
    A nice scheme, it must have taken you quite some time to get those decals on.

  3. Great job out of the classic Hasegawa kit, Scott!
    Looks nice in these markings!

  4. Nice job on your build, it looks great in thus scheme.

  5. Great job! And I like the unusual livery as well! ?

  6. Looks great - the markings look good on the Tony, and an interesting scheme with splotches on fuselage but not wings - unusual! Well done.

  7. Neat subject & result! The fuselage decals must've taken a lot of effort to get into place. One question, noticed the stabilizer and out wing ailerons, were those painted the same light beige color as the gear interior?

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