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Jeremy Millan
17 articles

Bandai 1/48 AT-ST

March 26, 2022 · in Sci-fi · · 11 · 1.6K

I been away from the hobby for a bit and got the itch to build something again... I usually do WWII aircraft so this was a bit of a change for me. The assembly of the kit was amazing everything snapped together like legos no glue was used thanks 's top notch engineering. I've been a huge fan since I was a kid so this one kind of brought me back to that time. I painted this in my own scheme and wanted it to look like a WWII weathered vehicle instead of the typical Star Wars Empire Grey. I hairspray chipped the whole model trying to achieve a oxidized faded rust look. Some oils was also used for further weathering. I suggest everyone try a bandai kit sometime you won't be disappointed. Thanks for looking. Cheers!

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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11 responses

  1. Nice paintwork and weathering.

  2. Terrific work, the chipping is very well done imo

  3. Pretty amazing build, I like the overall look and the molded details really do pop nicely. Looks great!

  4. Great job, Jeremy! Love the painting and weathering!

  5. An amazing build, Jeremy @jmillan
    Paintwork and weathering is indeed superb.

  6. Looks great, it mist be nice to not have to fret over historical accuracies and focus on the paint and weathering.

  7. Nice weathering!
    Like Star Wars themes- really good job!

  8. Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

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