17 articles · 2.4K karma · 10 friends · active 3 weeks, 4 days ago

New to scale modeling. Love WWII planes especially the Spitfire, Zero and P-51. Japanese aircraft are some of my favorites to make. Pretty much here to learn from all you great modelers.

1/48 Tamiya MiG-15

Had some problems with this kit, lost some parts (gun sight), broke some parts (antenna), decals disintegrated on me so I stole a few from a MiG-21 kit so this is a fictitious plane. I didn't want to do a NMF so I free handed the camo for [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 A6M3 Zero

This is an old Hasegawa kit from 1994 that I had sitting in my closet for the while. The decals were unusable so I built it without them. I painted on the meatballs and hand brushed the tail number with a stencil. I went for a field [...]

Bandai 1/72 Y-Wing

Bandai 1/72 Y-Wing painted in my own scheme. I went for a grimy all metal finish that wasn't too shiny. I think it came out ok. Attaching all the pipes was the only hassle of the build. As usual painted with lacquers and weathered with [...]

1/24 Academy Mazda T600 Truck

This was a fun project for me. I took a break from modeling for a while I wanted to try something different as I usually do 1/48 aircraft. This is the first time a tried a vehicle and at 1/24 scale this thing is still pretty tiny. I wanted [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Spitfire Mk.I

1/48 Tamiya Spitfire Mk.I (Newer kit) built out of box. I had a lot of mess ups along they way on this one no where near perfect they never are for me. Not the kits fault. First time trying freehand camo I couldn't get a really tight [...]

Bandai 1/72 X-Wing

Decided to build another Bandai Star Wars kit since I had so much fun on the last one I did. These go together really easily with no fuss which makes it a low stress build allowing me to focus most of my attention on painting and [...]

Bandai 1/48 AT-ST

I been away from the hobby for a bit and got the itch to build something again... I usually do 1/48 WWII aircraft so this was a bit of a change for me. The assembly of the kit was amazing everything snapped together like legos no glue was [...]

1/48 Airfix Spitfire Mk.V

1/48 Airfix Spitfire Mk.V painted with Tamiya and Mr. Color paints, weathered with oils and chalk pastels. I painted the markings and exhaust stains and no decals were used because I didn't have any lol. The markings for this plane are [...]

1/48 Tamiya A6M3 Model 32 Hamp

I think this is my fourth build for The Empire of Japan Group. Nice kit for being so old but it does lack the detail of the newer kits. I decided to do the field applied paint scheme to change it up a bit and it was a lot of fun. Painted [...]

1/48 Arii Nakajima Ki-44 II Hei Shoki (Tojo)

Nakajima Ki-44 II Hei Shoki (Tojo) Imperial Japanese Army, 1 Yasen Hoju Hikotai, Singapore, 1944 Pilot: Captain Ryotaro Jobo This is my third build for the Empire of Japan group. Not a bad kit for being so old. What it lacks in the cockpit [...]