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James Kelley
81 articles

IPMS Three Rivers annual TRICON 2022

April 3, 2022 · in Show Reports · · 10 · 1.6K

IPMS Three Rivers (Pittsburgh) held their annual show yesterday, for the 1st time since 2019. Typically a smallish show, there were 401 entries, which is the largest they've ever had. And, which rivals a Regional contest. The amount of models was impressive, as was the quality of work seen. The wife and I had a couple of Vendor tables, and we did quite well. A fine time was had by all.

Reader reactions:
10  Awesome

99 additional images. Click to enlarge.

10 responses

  1. Gotta love a show. Thanks for posting.

  2. Great to see those events starting up again, James @jkelleycrna

  3. Thanks. Lotsa great photos. Some fine models at the show.

  4. Pretty much a 'WOW' at every page flip/click with the mouse.

  5. A fantastic event, James!
    Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics!

  6. Lots of nice stuff but the "Over the top!" figure diorama (photo #80) is hands-down the real masterpiece on display.

    Good crowd shots, too. Modelers - you can spot them at 100 yards. 🙂

  7. Looks like another great day out with something for everyone.

  8. Looks like it was a very successful show, and some great models on display. Thanks for sharing.

  9. 57 - is that a Sonia? Oh man, there goes another project I need to secure a kit for...!

    Thanks for the photos!

  10. Looks like a great event! I love the B-26 and the Yamato.

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