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Paul van Acker
118 articles

Eduard 1/48 Roland C.II

May 2, 2022 · in Aviation · · 21 · 1.3K

1/48 Roland flown by Lt Seibert and observer Hptm Pfleger FFA5b, Western Front, Fall of 1916. My first German 2 seater, it's a favourite due to the memories of my dad who built the same aircraft and markings, back in the 70s. (Probably in 1/72 back then). OOB except Gaspatch Parrabellum 14 machine gun and EZ Line rigging. Went together like a Tamiya kit. Certainly tops all other WW1 aircraft I've built so far, in build quality.

Reader reactions:
15  Awesome 2 

15 additional images. Click to enlarge.

21 responses

  1. Fantastic result, Pail!
    Getting better model by model!

  2. Really nice work @paulwoodyvanacker. Great result.

    The Walfisch is definitely the easiest rigged biplane and thus a very good starting point for someone entering WW1 modeling.

    • Thanks mate. I'd say it and the Nieuport 11 would be the ones to start on for easy rigging.
      I think so far my BE-2 has been the busiest for rigging, but that'll change when I tackle my Caudron GIV . Lol.

  3. Very nice model, I like it a lot! Great result on the Interior as well!

  4. Great work! Did you paint the scales, or are those decals?

    • Thank you Mika. They are the kit decals. They took a little work to go down but well worth it.
      I really enjoyed this kit, one of the best. 🙂

  5. Profile Photo
    Felix said on May 2, 2022

    Wow, this is just so beautiful.

  6. Excellent build - that fuselage scheme is wild - have never seen that before. Well done!

  7. @paulwoodyvanacker, Man, what a cool paint scheme Paul! That's a great looking model! ?

  8. Another amazing addition for your shelves, Paul @paulwoodyvanacker
    Your eye to detail and how to create it is superb.

  9. Very nice. I love your innards paint work

  10. Remarkable model of the notorious Walfisch Paul! It’s a treat for the eye, you made it look like its the WnW size model. Thumbs up!

  11. Great, I'm going to try it too.

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