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Allan J Withers
201 articles

Grumman X 29A, 82-003, NASA, USAF, 1984 - 1991.

May 14, 2022 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1K

1/72 , built so long ago I don't remember when, finished in mainly MM enamels and metalizers with Future over kit decals which tended to fall apart.

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6  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. A beloved plane, a wonderful model, my friend @kalamazoo!

  2. Very nice and clean build, Allan @kalamazoo
    Have always loved the looks of this aircraft and your build really does it justice.

  3. Nice work, Allan. I always liked that plane.

  4. Looks great, Allan!

  5. Great looking Grumman, Allan. My kit was from 1985 and the decals were more than a bit of a pain.
    Nice to see the canopy open.

  6. Very nice! Hadn't heard from you in a while - good to know you're still kicking (and modeling)!

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