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Matija Skobe
30 articles


July 9, 2022 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1K

let me introduce my new brain-squirt in form of heavy transport variant.
Second hand models used: Mi-28 front fuselage, A-8 lower fuselage and landing gear, AH-66 fenestron, Mi-8 engines and rotors, F-14 wings
I know wings are too thin and fenestron is not necessary but everything is fair in love for fiction ๐Ÿ˜›

Reader reactions:
4  Awesome

9 responses

  1. Love it! In silver it would look like a normal 1970ยดs era Soviet weird test aircraft.

  2. It could definitely be a real one, Matija @matija_skobe
    Excellent thoughts and execution.

  3. Fantastic concept and a really wonderful executuon, Matija!
    Love it too!

  4. Creative model, I like it!

  5. Nice! If you told me that this was a prototype or something I'd probably believe you.

  6. Lots of interesting creativity going on with this.

  7. I think I like the color scheme most of all! Cool project.

  8. Well done bringing something in your imagination to life. Cool camo.

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