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George Damian
16 articles

My first tank: T-34 from Zvezda in 1/35 scale

July 22, 2022 · in Armor · · 15 · 0.9K

Up to now I built only WW2 fighters and after a while a tried something new for me. Quite an experience, seemed to me a lot of work, maybe because it was something new.

Basically I followed the tutorials of Nightshift from Youtube, everything was out of the box, tried to keep it simple - even that armor modelling is not simple, at least for beginners in the field. The kit goes together with no problems. I used Tamiya paints and Ammo filters and washes, no pigments or acryllic muds, as I said: straight and simple. The chipping effects were added using the sponge and paintbrush technique advocated by Nightshift. For the white band I tried the hairspray technique, but the results were kind of out of control, so I basically covered the dubious results with the sponge and paintbrush technique. Hope you'll enjoy it!

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8  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. Wonderful result, especially taking into account that it was your first armor, George!
    Well done!

  2. Very nice result, George @georgedamian
    The weathering effects are superb, it looks like you have been building armor more often.

  3. Nice work on this George. Weathering looks good.

  4. @georgedamian, Excellent first tank George! ? Like you, I've mostly concentrated on 1/48 aircraft, but I have delved into the AFV world three times now. I find the construction and general painting to be much easier (perhaps more forgiving is a better word here? ?) but the true challenge lies in the weathering and replicating the hard life that most tanks have. I'm still struggling with that!

    You are off to a brilliant start and I look forward to seeing more of the big, dirty beasts from you! ?

  5. Nice work, George! I started a Zvezda T-34-76 and found the fit of the running gear to be disappointing. I’m probably giving mine to a friend who does armor dioramas.

    • I did a lot of dry fitting before applying glue for the running gear (tracks and wheels) but did not encounter any impassable problems. Being my first set of tracks I am not qualified to say how good a representation of the real thing this kit provides, for me it was good enough.

  6. You were a beginner, great job on your first tank!

  7. Outstanding job for a first Tank. Stripes look real good if you was to ask me. That Zvezda 85 is a darn good kit if you ask me (here we go again). That Nightshift guy is sumthin else isn't he.

    • I am especially content with the stripe, it took a few sessions only for it but I am happy with the result. I really like how Nightshift breaks each technique in basic steps, very easy to follow.

  8. Excellent job for your first tank!👏🏼 I have yet to try hairspray chipping. I find Nightshift a fantastic resource for both beginners & advanced modellers.

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