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Charles King
130 articles

Scrap Metal - Update 3

July 21, 2022 · in Diorama · · 14 · 1.1K
This article is part of a series:
  1. Scrap Metal
  2. Scrap Metal - Update 2
  3. Scrap Metal - Update 3

I've just added the figures to the dio. Again, I am no figure painting expert, but I always try to give it my utmost best. The figures were bought ready made, but I repainted them differently and because the original painting was not to my liking. I wanted to better the face and skin texture than what the original had. The dog has not been repainted(will do that later), although, I added it just to give the overall appeal to the . Ooops! Just realized. I have to tone down the figures. Will fix that at another time.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Figures look great and add motion to your amazing diorama, my friend Charles!

  2. The fellow in the black shirt looks like Burt Reynolds. Awesome work, as usual.

  3. These figures are a great addition, Charles @tiking
    Toning them down will surely improve their already amazing looks.

  4. Very nice work as usual Charles.
    Guys at work, Becoming rare in the Bay Area. There are a few scrap metal places left. I save scrap metal from construction and get about 4-500 pounds a year collected. At 10 cents a pound for iron we get a free lunch and save valuable resources !
    Your dioramas are so great.

  5. It screams "Scrap Yard!", Charles. Another fine piece.

  6. Burt Reynolds came to mind too. The figures add movement and help make the eyes move around and look at all of the details in the dio. Tone down the dudes and the SUV will pop out more and come out to the fore front. Some good things are happening Charles.

  7. The figures and the dog are great additions, the poses and the painting look very natural. It’s obviously a male dominated scene.

    • HeHe! Male dominated scene? Well, I never thought about that way but I guess it is. The guy in the black t-shirt is there to dump the rods while the other guy followed to give him a hand; as well as to look around for anything that might be useful. πŸ™‚

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