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Max Williams
9 articles

Gloster Gauntlet (Silver Wings kit plus AIMS bits)

August 16, 2022 · in Aviation · · 8 · 1K

Since my introductory article was my 56 Squadron Gloster Gladiator that I built a couple of years ago, I thought it a good idea to follow up with the Gloster which is currently on my workbench. This is the kit in scale, the full story will be in Groups - work in progress.

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5  Awesome

8 responses

  1. Looks an very comprehensive kit, Max! The two-blade prop and PE fret look super, as well!

  2. Seems to be a very impressive kit, Max @maxw
    Looking forward to it.

  3. Looking forward to seeing this completed. I’ve done 3 of their kits and haven’t been disappointed. Good luck

  4. It looks like an interesting kit, I’m sure you will make a great model from it. Why not start a Work in Progress over at the Groups section?

  5. Thank you George, THAT is what I needed to and where to post a "work in progress" thread. As a newbie, I hadn't discovered that! Heading over there now!

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