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Max Williams
9 articles

Gloster Gladiator 56 Squadron

August 14, 2022 · in Aviation · 20 · 1K

Hello all, I'm new to iModeller but very happy to be here. By way of an introduction, this is my model of the ICM Gladiator finished in the colours of 56 Squadron. There's a little artistic licence in that there's no evidence that I've seen stating that the red/white chequers were carried on the upper wing, but then there's equally nothing to say they weren't!

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20 responses

  1. An excellent model. Whilst there aren't any extant photos, there are several accounts saying that 56's Gladiators did carry the chequer markings so it's not a fantasy.

    • That's a relief Christopher, I couldn't imagine why they wouldn't, but turning to our recent conversation regarding Gauntlets, is the same true for 56 Squadron's?

      • It would be the squadron leader's or wing commander's particular prejudice. Some felt that the colourful markings were a bit frivolous given the situation. Universal camouflage was introduced with the Munich crisis but until then there was some leeway. No. 56 is better documented with regard to Gauntlets and they are clearly in the chequer scheme.

  2. Nothing wrong with artistic license, the important thing is to enjoy it.

  3. Well if your going to make a entrance . . . better be grand. Some strong work Max on that Gladiator. With sharp painting, excellent work on the canopy and in the rigging. What model doesn't have some artistic license or some educated guesses? It's all apart of the adventure in modeling.

    I've been clawing my way on a Roden Gladiator about as fast as molasses with, life getting in the way. But, seeing your work I will be definitely be using it as reference.

    Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing more of your work.

    Two thumbs up.

    • Thanks Stephen, I’ll add a couple more builds later this week. I don’t know the Roden Gladiator but can say that the ICM one is exceptionally easy to build, especially when it comes to locating interplane struts etc because they all have very positive locations.

  4. Welcome! Great NMF build! I invite You to our Bomber Command Group!

  5. Superb entry to this friendly site Max.
    Well done and inspiring. I dare not tackle a biplane yet with all the rigging !
    Maybe I’ll look at the Roden Gladiator hiding in my stash ...

  6. Friendly is the key word Bernard, not all forums are! Thank you, I feel at home already. I know what you mean about rigging…..always a daunting prospect.

  7. Beautiful. The rigging really stands out. What did you use?

  8. Thank you Bill, it's Prym which apparently is a "knitting in elastic" (whatever that is). The beauty of it is that it's white so can be coloured easily with indelible ink markers, it's flat and uniform in shape and it doesn't have annoying little bits sticking out like EZ line can. It's drawback, as I've discovered, is that if exposed to a warm, light environment such as a windowsill, it can become "fragile" and break easily especially if the original rigging is tight.

  9. Let me echo all above Gents words, Max: this is a superb Gladiator!
    Welcome aboard!

    • Thanks Spiros, it was a fun and very enjoyable build and I’m pleased it turned out well. I’m doing the Gladiator’s predecessor, the Gauntlet at the moment….a somewhat more challenging build in every way.

  10. What more to say, Max @maxw
    You entered this community with an amazing looking Gladiator, welcome.
    The rigging, the pilot etc, all looks superb.

  11. Thanks John. I don’t know about you, but I’m very particular about the models I build; there’s usually a theme and an interest….. I love doing research into the aircraft that I make almost as much as the modelling itself. I hope my passion shows through!

  12. Very nicely done, and welcome aboard!

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