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USAF reference photos

August 16, 2022 · in Aviation · 6 · 0.9K

Please see the links for several reference photos I took at the National United States Air-force Museum a few months ago:


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3  Awesome

6 responses

  1. Very impressive albums, Keith @greenterrorz
    Looks like an amazing museum to visit.

  2. Thanks for posting. I look forward to visiting there one day.

  3. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics, Keith!

  4. These are great photos, Keith (@greenterrorz). I visited the AF Museum about 40 years ago, so I can safely say that a lot of things have changed. Thanks for posting these.

  5. Great stuff Keith.
    I would love to get there some day. I may need to take a few days to take it all in.
    Thank you for sharing

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