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Scott Lyle
7 articles

1/35 Dragon Panzer IV Ausf F1

September 6, 2022 · in Armor · · 15 · 1.9K

Here is 's Panzer IV Ausf F1 in an Eastern campaign winter whitewash. Built pretty much straight out of the box except for some stowage items from an old Verlinden set. Painted with Tamiya paints. Thanks for looking - more photos are available at my website

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10  Awesome

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15 responses

  1. wow! what a fantastic result- weathering and winter camo are next level. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very good paintwork.

  3. Getting ready for Winter's cold breath? Very well done Winter whitewash. And good looking mud too.
    Got the new Tamiya sitting here waiting for paint. Yours makes me wanna go back to it.
    Remember, keep the mice away from your ignition wires.

  4. You made a great entry with this Panzer, Scott @slyle
    Especially the weathering and the winter camouflage looks superb.
    What did you use to create the winter camo.
    Welcome to this community.

  5. Fantastic work, Scott!
    Love the painting and weathering.
    Welcome aboard!

  6. Nicely done, Scott! Welcome to iModeler. Hope to see more of your work.

  7. Very nice work @slyle! That whitewash looks fantastic sir! 👍

    And welcome to iModeler from me! 🍻

  8. Excellent build as always Scott.

  9. Great build and weathering.

  10. It looks cold just sitting there, welcome to iModeler, Scott.

  11. Great job, congratulations!

  12. Fantastic job Scott! I love your winter camo AND the mud/weathering. I hope to eventually get to that level.

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