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Anthony Ricco
47 articles

29 - 1/72 Hasagawa VF-1S Strike Valkyrie

January 25, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 16 · 1.1K

I love (RoboTech) kits, they really are nicely made and I had so much fun with this.

I was having problems with the AK weathering pencils and watercolour pencils so I challenged myself on this build to weather only with the pencils, and I learnt a lot, and I think it came out quite nicely.

If you see these kits get them they are pretty awesome.

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

34 additional images. Click to enlarge.

16 responses

  1. Well done, Anthony...excellent weathering and shading, looks like the pencils technique turned out awesome!

  2. Looks great, Anthony, terrific weathering and photos.

  3. @anthonyricco - very cool kit. Beautiful paint work and weathering Anthony. Especially at this smaller scale. I've never used or even heard of weathering pencils... It seems I have to look into them.

    • Hi Brian, thanks so much, they are basically water colour pencils if you ever used them, the 'lead' is water soluble so you can colour with them and then blend them like watercolour paints with some water.

  4. Some very heavy ordnance, Anthony @anthonyricco
    Very nice result on this futuristic aircraft.

    • Thanks John, haha - this one is a lightweight - I just got a weapons pack for the next one with all the underwing ordnance. The next one will be a heavy.

      Thanks so much.

  5. Congratulations Anthony! A superb build and excellent weathering technique!

  6. Anthony @anthonyricco, the details in the cockpit and on the rest of the kit are all super nice! You have done a great job on the build and overall finish. This is a pretty cool looking build!

  7. That is one ordinance heavy aircraft. Looks down right scary Anthony. Great photos by the way. Good to know one can use water with those AK weathering pencils. I just started trying them out. Looks like you had fun with this one.

    • Thanks a lot Eric. Yeah these Macross kits are awesome. The pencils work well - My tip with them is work in small areas at a time and brush some water onto the part BEFORE you add the pencil if you want to blend it. Doesn't have to be wet but just damp, then add some pencil and then blend it with a brush. That seemed to work for me. Hope it helps you.

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