Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, in Fleet Air Arm colours the Gannet is gorgeous, this should be a great kit and a sell out for Airfix. I vaguely remember building a Frog 1/72 scale kit a long, long time ago.
Now, where is that 1/48 Hampden, Beaufort, Sea Venom, C-47, long nose Blenheim, Boomerang, entire P-40 series, two-seater Fury/Lightning/Hunter, night-fighter/trainer Venom/Meteor, Battle, Scimitar, Sea King, Spitfire Vc, Auster, Beaver, Brewster Buffalo, Skua/Roc, Seafox, Baltimore, Lysander, Harvard... I have no doubt a few of the above will be seen from Airfix in a while.
I've built both the 1/48 Baltimore and Maryland from limited run kits. They were nice kits. There's a new tool Baltimore announced , I think from Special Hobby. Been a bit of a wait though. The old CA kit could use an upgrade.
Somewhat disappointed by this year's lineup...just not many new planes really. I was hoping for a Swift in 1/48 and a Vampire FR5 in 72.
But i do look forward to the new scheme of the 1/72 Zero. Will the Meteor FR9 in 1/72 only be released for the Airfix club?
That’s a nice looking kit of a plane in the same Family as the Grumman Avenger and Breguet Alizé . ( besides the strange Engine idea ) I.e. with a Large internal bomb bay. I build in 1/72 otherwise I would get me one. What an amazing amount of Detail this one has !
Finally, the most beautiful designed turbine driven Royal Navy Fairey Gannet is glooming on the horizon. I agree with Spiros: "We live in the golden age of modeling" Can you imagine, what still has to come our way in quarter scale. I would like to mention also, that Airfix is "ON TRACK"
This has to be one of the ugliest aircraft ever built, but it looks to be a very nice model
I think I want one!
We live in the golden age of modeling!
Another way to break the bank. Tipped with "Form follows function."
A double ugly before the double ugly (F-4 Phantom).
Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, in Fleet Air Arm colours the Gannet is gorgeous, this should be a great kit and a sell out for Airfix. I vaguely remember building a Frog 1/72 scale kit a long, long time ago.
Now that’s one I want immediately!
I want two - one wings spread, one wings folded.
Ew! You guys can have mine.
Wow, this is going to sell heaps!
Now, where is that 1/48 Hampden, Beaufort, Sea Venom, C-47, long nose Blenheim, Boomerang, entire P-40 series, two-seater Fury/Lightning/Hunter, night-fighter/trainer Venom/Meteor, Battle, Scimitar, Sea King, Spitfire Vc, Auster, Beaver, Brewster Buffalo, Skua/Roc, Seafox, Baltimore, Lysander, Harvard... I have no doubt a few of the above will be seen from Airfix in a while.
@stellan - The Beaufort has been taken care of very nicely by ICM. Beautiful 1/48 kit.
Ahh, cool!
Stellan, a 1/48 Baltimore and Maryland would be really nice...! And maybe an Airspeed Fleet Shadower..:-)
I've built both the 1/48 Baltimore and Maryland from limited run kits. They were nice kits. There's a new tool Baltimore announced , I think from Special Hobby. Been a bit of a wait though. The old CA kit could use an upgrade.
How does something that ugly actually fly?
That kit will make more than a few Christmas wish lists, looks impressive.
The earth repels it, George, the same way helicopters fly.
Not the most elegant plane, but I do would like to have on on my shelf for sure.
It is supposed to be paired up with the Hunter to make up for the lack of grace.
Now, Airfix, give us a two seat-Hunter. Please.
Somewhat disappointed by this year's lineup...just not many new planes really. I was hoping for a Swift in 1/48 and a Vampire FR5 in 72.
But i do look forward to the new scheme of the 1/72 Zero. Will the Meteor FR9 in 1/72 only be released for the Airfix club?
Not as disappointed as me, Felix @fxrob, it’s just planes, planes, and more planes.
Dear George @chinesegeorge, i see your point! Don't they also release some armored vehicles and a truck?
State of my FAA plans: Still starting on an old Sea Vixen kit, haven't even got to buy the new Buccaneer, and now have to get the Gannet...
That’s a nice looking kit of a plane in the same Family as the Grumman Avenger and Breguet Alizé . ( besides the strange Engine idea ) I.e. with a Large internal bomb bay. I build in 1/72 otherwise I would get me one. What an amazing amount of Detail this one has !
Thanks for the info, Tom (@tcinla). I can purge the stash of those other Gannet kits that won't hold a candle to this one.
Trust me, @gblair, your blood pressure will thank you.
Great to see another FAA release from Airfix. I would love to see them release a Supermarine Scimitar in 1/48.
I suppose if I get busy and build my Dynavector Scimitar, they'll make that announcement the day after it's posted here.
Finally, the most beautiful designed turbine driven Royal Navy Fairey Gannet is glooming on the horizon. I agree with Spiros: "We live in the golden age of modeling" Can you imagine, what still has to come our way in quarter scale. I would like to mention also, that Airfix is "ON TRACK"