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Robert LaPorta
1 article

Tamyia 1:35 German 88 at the Kasserine pass diorama

January 16, 2023 · in Armor · · 7 · 1.6K

A few years back I decided to construct a of a German 88 at the battle of the Kasserine pass. I had a Tamyia German Flack 88 North African campaign kit. The barrel was warped so I get a replacement metal barrel from Abner which was better in every respect. During construction I somehow (with the help of my cats) lost the left armor sheild and had to scratch build a new one from styrene which worked out well, The base was made from foam board covered in celluclay. I then, using white glue, sprinkled on different size sand and talus from woodland scenics. I airbrushed differnt mixtures of green and tan acrylics to mimic a desert landscape. The sandbags were made with apoxie sculpt. I brush a lot of different colored dust on using ground pastels.

The most difficult part for me was the painting of the flesh tones on the crew.

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9  Awesome

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7 responses

  1. What a great entry, Robert @rob! Welcome to iModeler.

    This is a superb diorama, all elements done to the same standard - weapon, figures, setting. The result is very realistic.

  2. A very impressive entry, Robert @rob
    Welcome to this great community.
    Your diorama is perfect in every aspect, the gun barrel replacement is a great addition and your scratch builded side panel is perfectly done.
    Well done.

  3. A great diorama, Robert, everything matches perfectly. Welcome to iModeler.

  4. What a debut! 😃 @rob, Robert, that is a fantastic diorama and wonderfully realistic! 👍 Welcome to iModeler from me as well. 🍺

  5. Nicely done! welcome!

  6. Thank you all for your kind words!

  7. Looks amazing .
    Welcome to this friendly site. Keep them coming!

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