Review: Kotare Models 1/32 Spitfire Mk1a Mid production – First look
This lovely looking thing arrived from NZ in the week.
I’m not going to say too much. I’m impressed by the quality. The instructions are exactly the same as a WNW booklet but then again that company probably produced the best instructions ever, so why change the format?
The pre-order kit came with a print of the box art and a free resin exhaust as a thank you for being patient.
My one gripe was the box had a ding because it had not been packed well. But it wasn’t enough of a gripe to stop me from ordering a second kit about an hour after opening this one.
I’m very curious about how the fit works around the wing roots and the fillet that makes the spine of the plane. They look innovative and may solve some age old issues in a very clever way. No sanding in those difficult area.
In some parts the decal colours are being questioned. I have not done the research so I won’t comment other than to say the quality looks excellent - the detail phenomenal. A good mix of decals - three choices including the fitting ‘Kiwi’.
I’ll be getting this one in the bench come the school hols, about 10 days away.
The sprues say MkIa MkIIa MkVa, so the future isn’t that hard to predict. Understandable - but a different base model would not go amiss. I guess the ball has to get rolling to fund whatever comes next?
Looking forward to the V series immensely!
That is a great looking kit ! A lot of thought went in to its design.
Looks very promising. Probably too much to hope for a 1:32 Beaufighter, but dreaming is cheap.
Please don't do any hoping on this, because we don't want any iM members holding their breath in hope and then turning blue and dying as a result!
They have announced a Spitfire IIa and Va for immediate release (easily done with the kit with minimum modification) and a coming Spitfire Vb that might show up by the end of the year.
If you want to spend as much on a 1/32 Beaufighter as you would for a modern kit, get the Revell kit and then get the Model Monkey 3D printed cockpit interior sets.
I built the 1/32 Revell kit back in the ‘70s when it came out. It was a bit of a disappointment, if I remember correctly. Might be worth checking into again if it turns out to be the only way to scratch the Beau itch.
Hey Paul, I wonder if you can confirm that the plastic has rivets, especially the raised ones on the aft fuselage area?
The whole product does tell WnW all over the detaiils and booklet. Thanks for sharing looking forward for your build experience in the near futura
The kit has raised rivets on the rear fuselage as it should.
Hi Pedro here are a couple detail shots to confirm.
3 attached images. Click to enlarge.
Thank you both my friends! Can’t get a better image than these you post here Paul
The decals are so bad it's hard to believe this is a product of the WNW crowd. The gray of the unit codes is way too dark, the yellow of the national insignia is way too light. Given the quality of WNW decals, the word that comes to mind is "shocking." For those for whom having markings that are right is important, I recommend you make a visit to Fundekals and get their new 1/32 Spitfire I sheet, which are done right.
As far as the kit plastic is concerned, this is a good first take for a new company; it sure beats the socks off any other 1/32 early Spitfire kits out there. But the decals su-u-u-u-u--c-c-k!
I had ordered the Fundekals before this arrived because I wanted to have the option to build Roger Bushell’s plane. The comparison will be interesting.
That said the yellow does not look a million miles out. Just a little pale. The Grey however on the paper does look dark with a cool blue tint. I’m going to reserve final judgement until we have seen them on painted plastic. They seem thin and this may alter their appearance once in place.
I’ll certainly paint up a mule flat surface and see how they perform once the second kit arrives and I work out which schemes I’ll be using. I’ll
post on here once that’s done.
That sounds good - proof in the pudding, as they say. Those codes almost look like PRU blue.
BTW - for those who wonder, I had the same criticism of the Eduard decals on their early Spits about incorrect colors and insignia.
For info - these are the next steps.
2 attached images. Click to enlarge.
The kit looks great, Paul. That’s some fancy molding of the interior parts. They managed to keep the parts total to 117! 1/32 isn’t really my thing but Spitfires are and I’ll probably get a Mk.V, preferably a Vc trop. if they do one.
Paul Barber (@yellow10)
This is an EXCELLENT looking kit. I have the newer tool Revell 1/32 Spitfire MkIIa in the stash, and the Kotare one you have shown us here literally blows it away as far as details. I'm happy to see that the crew from WNW are still performing admirable work, on par with the stuff they did before.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos with us. I can't believe the details that are in these new Spitfire parts. The picture you posted showing the rivet details on the rear fuselage show just how nice this one is...
My poor bank account...
Yes Louis, I can’t help thinking this could get out of control pretty fast!
Mine arrived here in Arizona two days ago. I could not wait to open it. Not having built a Wingnut Wings kit, I was not quite sure what to expect. I am a Spitfireaholic and have built many of them over the years. So I had a preconception of how this kit would break down.
What surprised me (and this is in NO WAY a criticism) is the relatively small number of parts, especially in the cockpit area. Nonetheless, this cockpit will be absolutely stunning without a bit of after market added. And, no PE! Hooray for that.
I am really pleased with this kitset, and it was well worth the wait. I can hardly wait for what is in store from Kotare. It is a great time to be in this hobby, is it not?
I reckon some of that engineering will make for a thing of beauty, Matt. The tin-canning effect on the wings with the smoothed down rivets is something I’m not sure we’ve seen before! As you say a great time to be alive in this hobby! Look forward to seeing yours take shape!