Jim Sullivan's Obituary
Here's a link to Jim's obituary for those of you who might be interested. Still hard to believe he's no longer around.
Here's a link to Jim's obituary for those of you who might be interested. Still hard to believe he's no longer around.
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Thanks, he will be missed. He helped me a bunch with pictures and details for my 1/32 Corsair I did a few years back. Funny thing is I didn't connect him as "that" Jim Sullivan until quite a bit later. I still have his messages saved for future reference, great guy to give time to all of us.
Thanks Phillip.
Blue skies, Jim.
Thanks for haring, Philip.
He and I first conversed when he complimented the Tamiya 1/32 F4U-1 I did in "South Pacific weathering." When I realized he was the guy whose work on the Corsair I had long studied, I felt really complimented that he liked the model as much as he said he did. He also had some suggestions I have put to use in later Corsair models that really improved the results. Jim was one of those guys who make this hobby a fun and interesting place to be.