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Johannes König
1 article

M48 - Tamiya 1/35

May 6, 2023 · in Armor · · 14 · 521

Here you can see Tamiyas M48 model in 1/35 scale. Whoever builds this tank gets a lot of tank for their money. A quick and easy to build model. I can really recommend him.

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5  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. A fantastic M48, Johannes!
    Welcome aboard!

  2. That looks like it's crawled through all the red dirt in Vietnam. Excellent weathering and damage.

  3. @plastikidgml - Fantastic work. The weathering is incredibly realistic!

  4. A very impressive entry, Johannes @plastikidgml
    The weathering and other realism addition are truly amazing.
    Welcome to this great modeling community.

  5. Fine work sir I like the beat up fenders in particular. There are many who disparge this kit but I'm not one of them, having built probably ten of them over the years

    • Thank you for the praise. That motivates me a lot for further projects. If you've built that many M48s, you really know your stuff. Your praise is therefore a special honor for me.

  6. @plastikidgml fantastic color palette. What medium did you use for the weathering?

    • Thank you for the praise. That motivates me a lot for further projects. I don't use an airbrush, just regular spray cans. Then I use colored pencils that I can paint over with water.

  7. Great looking M48, welcome to iModeler.

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