Yellow Wings...1/48 Grumman F3F-2, VF-6 "Fighting Six", USN


After the F3F-1, here´s my dad´s next little chubby yellow winged fighter.
kit, decals from this kit, the F3F-1 kit and the sparesbox, fuselage painted with Mr Paint White Aluminium, wings with AK RC Yellow and Aluminium. True Blue and Insignia Red are selfmixed.
EZ Line used for the antenna wires, kit PE parts for the rigging.
Like with the F3F-1, my dad didn´t apply a panel oilwash. These planes were usually mostly pristine.

Build thread here

Model shows the Section 1, first wingman aircraft of VF-6 in 1937, flying from NAS Floyd Bennet Field NY, NAS Norfolk, NAS Pensacola and later stationed on the 1938 comissioned USS Enterprise. Later on this aircraft was assigned to the USMC, VMF-2, where it was destryoed in a ground collision near Mooring Mast Field, Eva, T.H. on April 11th 1941. F3F book by Richard S. Dann, David Ginter series, used as reference.

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9 responses

  1. Fantastic job, as usual, Reinhard!

  2. Excellent all over, Reinhard @grimreaper
    Those yellow winged F3 bi-plane always look great.

  3. Beautifully done!

  4. Profile Photo
    said on May 28, 2023

    I adore the Yellow Wings era, and this F3F-2 is an outstanding example.

  5. Very unusual build!

  6. You’ve got to love those yellow wings.

  7. A charming model which accurately captures the barrel like nature of the F3F. Also very well executed.

  8. Chubby it is indeed. Nice little fighter. Excellent work.

  9. A lovely build - well done!

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