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Paul Mahoney
21 articles

Eduard 1/48 Messerschmitt 109G-6 in Captured Markings

June 7, 2023 · in Aviation · · 9 · 428

It's been a while, but my build output has been very slow of late. I had heard many good things about the 109 series, and had the Delta One "American G-6s" decal sheet in my collection for a while now, so it seemed like a good pairing. I was looking for a relatively straight-forward build, and was hoping to have this be a quick one to get my mojo going again. In retrospect, the Tamiya kit of the 109 might have been a better option for something quick and fun, but in the end I got there with this one. The Eduard kit has some incredibly impressive details, from the excellent cockpit to the extremely fine rivets and panel lines on the surface areas. As I find usual with most Eduard kits, the cockpit was crammed full of details and built up fairly easily. Unlike my more recent Eduard experiences, this kit came pretty close to falling together with a minimum amount of filling and sanding. The P-51 I am (still) building proved more challenging to me in that department. The trade-off Eduard seems to make in providing all that detail is that they use 5 pieces where Tamiya would use 1. But, applying the extra effort, I do like Eduard kits! This one was straight OOB with the exception of antenna wire, brake lines, and the tropical filter (taken from a Hasegawa kit - it fit perfectly with Eduard's standard air intake). Paints were a mix of Tamiya, MMP and AK Real Colors. Some light chipping was done with a silver pencil, tonal variety in the paint was done with various oils and the exhaust stain is a mixture of several pastels. The main decal marking are from the Delta One sheet, with some of the stenciling from the kit decals. All in all a fun project that was a joy to complete!

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9 responses

  1. Fantastic job, Paul!
    Love the scheme!

  2. Great model, Paul (@feroc). It's nice to see a 109 in a different paint scheme. Well done.

  3. Very nicely finished, Paul.

  4. Very, very nice. I need these decals. I have about 15 "captured" aircraft build and a dozen or so in the stash

  5. Paul, really nice build, especially the paint work. I have to admit that captured markings usually bore me, but the red makings added to this scheme really makes it "pop"!

  6. Really nice Gustav, Paul @feroc
    It looks great in captured markings.

  7. A really nice build! I'm also not one for "captured" markings, but I do like this scheme with them, and since I'm doing a large 109 collection, I may need to tackle one of these. This is inspiration!

  8. Thanks to everyone fore the nice comments! For those of you that are interested in the ‘captured’ markings (and even those who aren’t 🙂 ), I would suggest giving this decal sheet a try. There are 9 different schemes available on the sheet, and some are decidedly different. I picked mine up at the IPMS Nats a few years ago, but I think they are available directly from the manufacturer or on ebay. Next time maybe I’ll try a late-war 109 in markings of the original owners ….

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