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Steven Corvi
33 articles

1/700 USS Lexington Coral Sea May 1942

July 16, 2023 · in Ships · · 9 · 433

Trumpeter 1/700 USS Lexington with some etched brass details . Nice build overall pretty accurate. Water & base are a combination of Golden Gel gloss and Hodge Podge, multiple layers of color and cotton used for waves.

Hope you like


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8  Awesome 3 

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9 responses

  1. An amazing build, Steven!
    Welcome aboard!

  2. Really nice result on this famous aircraft carrier, Steven @sjcorvi
    Details and weathering are done perfectly.
    Welcome to this great community.

  3. Welcome to the best modeling club in the universe, Steve. That's a really nice model; I am always in awe of those who can put that level of detail into a 1/700 model.

  4. Excellent work. I love 1/700 waterline ships. Welcome to imodeler!

  5. Fantastic aircraft carrier, welcome to iModeler.

  6. Thanks Guys Glad you liked my build!


  7. Indeed the Queen of the Flattops.

    Nice build and kudos for tackling markings on the planes. Think I would get cross-eyed.

  8. Nice job and great looking Lexington! Welcome to iModeler.

  9. Great job. My hat's off to anyone who can build in that scale and get such a fine result.

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