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Peter Foti
7 articles

Codename: Gerbera (Kitbashed Mecha)

July 23, 2023 · in Sci-fi · · 10 · 543

OK, this is a weird one. This is a robot model based on a drawing by Jan Buragay. It's mostly kit-bashed and scratched, with a few key elements being 3D printed.
I’ve been slowly working on it, on and off, in-between some other projects for a couple years.
I think I captured the spirit of the original drawing pretty well and I’m quite happy how it turned out. I realize the subject matter may not be to everyone’s taste. Thanks for looking.

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10 responses

  1. This is indeed weird but also a wonderful result, Peter @photon
    Nothing seen this before but it looks perfect.
    Great scratch building and 3D printing.

  2. I am with our friend @johnb : weird but an awesome result, Peter!

  3. Weird but a really nice result Peter.

  4. It's a fun way to burn up parts from the spares box(es).

  5. "What the **** is that?" as one farmer says to other in some wheat field, shortly before getting vaporized. Very imaginative!

  6. @photon - Impressive scratch building skills Peter. The original artist would be very happy to see your interpretation of their concept. Very cool piece!

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