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Tom Cleaver
934 articles

It's here!! Trumpeter 1/32 TBD-1

July 6, 2023 · in News · · 7 · 448

The beeg box from Squadron landed on the front porch here at Le Chateau du Chat an hour ago.

Preliminary observation: I was right that it is based on the Great Wall Hobby kit. That's good news. Other than everything is big, nothing looks problematic and assembly doesn't look difficult. I think Bill Koppos agrees with all that.

I'll have scans of what's in the box tomorrow morning (California time).

20 years of vaporware is now solid plastic!

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

7 responses

  1. @tcinla - Looks like it's going to be a very cool build Tom!

  2. Yellow wings, yellow wings, yellow wings... looks like a good one, just from the box. Can't wait for your review.

  3. I have too many kits...I have too many kits...

  4. Looks like an amazingkit, Tom @tcinla
    The contents of the box must be overwhelming.
    A pity my shelves are not that big to have it displayed.

  5. Yeah! It's here. Mine is on order, so it will hopefully appear soon. Looking forward to your next posts, Tom (@tcinla).

  6. Great news! I would like to see the wing in details, should looks great in that scale.

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