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Roger Latham
2 articles

Lt. Ernie D. Latham, Hangman 19

July 17, 2023 · in Aviation · · 4 · 428

My father in 1944 after a mission for the 49FS Hangmen, standing in front of Hangman's Hangout the O-Club. The second picture was taken by an old buddy. It shows my Dad buzzing the bomber outfit on his first flight.

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1 additional image. Click to enlarge.

4 responses

  1. My Dad was a B-24 Pilot flying out of Pantanella till he got shot down, ditching in the Adriatic Sea. Then by an accident of fate got a transfer to P-38s. His old CO at the 464th BG was Major William Moore. He became a 4Star and was tasked in greeting the first Vietnam POWs who returned to Clark AFB in 1973.

  2. These are wonderful pictures, Roger! Thanks for sharing and welcome aboard!

  3. Great you are willing to share this with us, Roger @roger
    Welcome to this wonderful community.

  4. Very cool! 😎 Thanks for that, and welcome to the club! 😁

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