Airfix de Havilland Mosquito PR.XVI 1945, 1/72
Having completed the new issued Airfix Mosquito kit earlier this year, i knew i was in for a treat. The PR version flown by the South African Air Force in Italy was a must ever since it was first announced last year. Look at that marvellous prussian blue! There are two versions and both are very nice.
I bought an ct scalemodel masking set on ebay. They are considerably cheaper than eduard and other masking products and it worked great.
I painted the plane with Ammo Mig and AK Interactive acrylics. Vallejo matt varnish and some panel wash at the end.
Together with the Tempest tooling, this Mosquito kit is one of Airfix' finest. Everything fits, except for some small gaps around the canopy.
Happy modelling!
Fantastic build, Felix! Yes, the blue is amazing.
Well done my friend!
Thank you very much for your compliments, Spiros @fiveten!
Nice work! I have a couple of these kits in the “do soon” stack. Thanks for sharing.
Hey John @j-healy, thanks a lot! Eagerly following your B25 build
Nice build Felix. Neat colour scheme
Dear Guy @thom, doesn't she look beautiful in blue? Thank you for your kind feedback!
Fantastic painting! How did You paint invasion stripes?
Dear Lis @lis, thank you so much! I first painted a white layer and then put the black stripes on top. Needless to say they are slightly off, haha. Hey btw. i started my B-25
Did You use cut stripes of masking tape for masking?
Exactly! It was actually trickier than i expected due to the shape of the fuselage. One simple strip would not do the trick.
Completely agree with the above remarks, Felix @fxrob
The paintwork is excellent and especially the shading of it looks superb.
Hey John @johnb, thank you so much for your nice words! Really appreciated, even though the kit itself is already amazing- it really builds itself.
The photo reconnaissance aircraft sometimes do not get the attention they deserve, so it is always a pleasure to see a significant example of one of those aircraft so well modeled and presented, Felix (@fxrob). Great job and excellent finish. Thanks for sharing it.
Dear Matt @matthewfdyer, yes maybe it is because they do not have these spectacular camouflage schemes or nose artwork? In any case, the Airfix kit is great. Thank you for your kind words!
A fine looking Mossie - Looks good in blue!
Hey Chas @chasbunch, i agree, she is a beauty!
The paint finish is outstanding!
Dear John @jdtruby, thank you very much for your kind words!
Great looking Mosquito, the blue colour scheme really suits it.
Hi George @chinesegeorge, yeah the scheme is amazing. Maybe i could have added a subtle dirt wash in the end, as indicated on the box art.
Simple wonderful. Hard to believe it’s 1/72. Splendid paintwork.
Dear Matt @coondog, i appreciate your kind feedback very much. To be fair, the Airfix kit basically builds itself. It is outstanding.
Really nice work and a great result. That 1/72 Airfix kit is great.
Thank you very much for your kind words, Tom @tcinla. I do look forward to more Mosquito variants from Airfix!
This can be a really hard paint scheme, but yours came out great, Felix (@fxrob). Well done.
Dear George @gblair, thanks a lot!
Looks great! I like that blue scheme.
Hi Greg @gkittinger, yeah i knew i had to do it the moment i saw the box art!